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We are Pobl (The people in Welsh) who are trying to get the voice of our community heard and who are asking for help to solve the ongoing problems outlined below. This community is that of Llanbedr in Gwynedd, North Wales.
Llanbedr has a road infrastructure that has not changed since around the 1800's, and cannot change without demolishing buildings in the village. Road Safety is a critical issue here, imagine hardly any pavements (there are currently less then 10%) on a busy main road with HGV's, motorhomes and cars coming towards you.
Congestion is a major issue, stopping emergency vehicles for up to 10 minutes, in traffic, with no through route.
As you may be aware, Llanbedr has had an issue with congestion for many years and was finally, last year, given the go ahead for a 1.5m bypass with funding from the EU. This decision was then scrapped due to the Welsh government’s climate change roads review. Whilst this decision was a major setback and disappointment to our community, and has led to a lot of anger and frustration, we are aware that to move on we need to take a different and more productive stand. It is imperative to find a viable and speedy solution to the congestion issue and ongoing safety issues of our community.
Therefore, we are asking for your help. As a community we are passionate about making Llanbedr as safe and congestion free as soon as humanly possible. We fully support the Government’s stand on helping our planet and our future generations in any which way we can, but we also have a very serious issue in Llanbedr which not only affects our generations now, but will also affect that of our own future generations. As Jean Todt decreed at the United Nations Stand up for Human Rights Celebration “Road safety must be taken extremely seriously since it is a complex development issue, affecting multiple area’s such as health, labour, education and above all human rights. We must fight for road safety and accessible mobility to be considered as a fundamental human right for everyone, most of all our children”. The community of Llanbedr is asking for our human rights to be granted on this issue.